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Registration and project fees

IMGP4032 KopieThe cost for your registration is €200,- (paid once). These are the costs for searching the project, accommodation and for office and personal.

The project fee is €100,- a month and includes:

24/7 assistance

workplace visit and regular phonecall from/with Butterfly

Transfer to another project, host family or hostel, if need be

Airport transfer and transport during joint Butterfly activities from your accommodation

Orientation on the first day. Here, you get more information from a local teacher about the language, the culture and the do's and don'ts.

Office and personal costs

Types of accommodation


You will stay with a host family. Breakfast and dinner are included and provided by your host family.

Self catering appartment:

You will share your 2-bedroom unit with mostly 1 to 3 other students or volunteers. Together with your housemates you take care of your own meals. These are not included in the price. The appartments are fully furnished.

Serviced appartment:

You will stay in your own fully furnished studio that is part of an appartment complex. Breakfast is included and depending on the complex you might find extra services like free wifi and a swimmingpool.


Per week

€80,- up to €150,-

Self catering appartment

Per month

€350,- up to €400,-

Serviced appartment

Per month

€500,- up to €600,-

Prices accommodation – subject to change

Please note: prices are depending on your location and your wishes.

What is not included?

For example: plane ticket, pasport, work pirmit, labor insurance, health insurance, telephone costs, clothes, daily transport to your project, meals as mentioned above, travel expenses, language courses and any free time expenses.

Please read the cancellation conditions              How can you register?                   Apply?