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Summer Internship Tourist Marketing in Kenya

At Butterfly4Volunteers we have different positions for students who want to broaden their horizon by starting a summer internship tourist marketing. You can do this internship for a period of several months up to half a year. By paying Butterfly4Volunteers a weekly contribution, a.o.t. we accommodate room and dependent on kind of accommodation also board including breakfast and dinner. We arrange for you a full range of activities and in the weekend, you are free to travel and discover Kenya´s nature and culture. At Butterfly4Volunteers you will find several interesting internship positions to enhance your marketing experience and skills and to make your summer internship tourist marketing exciting, fun and memorable.

Your summer internship in Kenya and beyond

Apartments can´t do without some plans for the future. Apart from all the practical activities to keep the business going from day to day, this internship is a great opportunity to build some strategic and new marketing tools to promote your apartment. You might want to think of promoting the business via websites and other new media, you might have an idea on how to position Jacyjoka Apartments or your chosen apartment in the already competitive tourist market in Kenya, or you might want to work out special promotion material, such as brochures and other advertising. We offer you a chance to investigate and launch idea´s for the future. Depending on your internship tourist marketing assignment and the requirements stipulated by your school or university, we can accommodate you in many ways so your internship tourist marketing is not just a tiny spot on your resume, but a future asset you can build on.

Internship abroad in different apartments in Mombasa Kenya

Butterfly4Volunteers offers internships in several apartment stationed in Mombasa. Some apartments will emphasize the importance of the day to day business at their reception desk, others will have room for more commercial and strategic activities according to your internship assignment. Before arranging your internship, the apartment management and Butterfly4Volunteers will have to negotiate the exact activity plan of your internship according to the specific needs you have stipulated in our correspondence. But many activities such as advertising, company analysis or developing marketing plans can be planned accordingly.

Apply for this special internship 'tourist marketing' and receive more information


Summer Internship tourist marketing in Kenya at Jacyjoka Apartments and Netherken Safaris and Tours

The Jacyjoka Apartments, located in Nyali, a district of Mombasa, is a unique location for tourists to discover the breathtaking nature and the white beaches of Kenya. Together with the Mikindani Sunset Lodge and in close partnership with Netherken Safari´s and Tours, Jacyjoka links tourists from all over the world s to their own personal Kenya Experience.


During your summer internship abroad you could help with the day to day business of running the complex, but it´s not your first priority. Your primary activity is to market the brand 'Jacyjoka and Netherken' all the time. Moreover, you will have to create interesting tourist sales packages such as a combination of a one week stay including deep sea fishing, golf or diving and organise the transport for the Netherken safari´s. Also, you sometimes have to listen to complains and take some action to find solutions for the residents. Your summer internship abroad will be a full mix of all these activities.

Apply for this unique internship at Jacyjoka and receive more information